Getting started


To be able to use this module you need to have this PR in your engine. This is necessary because Steam Input sets the environment variable SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES and expects you to respect it by ignoring the controllers it gives you.

Even if you are not using Steam Input, the PR is still suggested as it gives you some metadata that could be useful for debugging.

The input glyph module allows you to automatically change the displayed glyphs in your game to match the controller the user is using at this time.

The system will automatically switch the glyphs around when a button is pressed on any controller (keyboard support is pending).

By default, it will use Steamworks glyphs extracted from Steamworks, which are identified using the same method as SDL uses.

You can also force specific glyphs to be used, it is suggested to expose this to your users see InputGlyphsSingleton.forced_input_type for more info.

The default glyph themes can be set in the Project Settings.

Steamworks integration

You can also seamlessly integrate with the Steamworks module very easily, all you need to do is to have both modules in your engine. When you call HBSteamInput.init() it will automatically initialize the input glyphs module to use Steamworks as the source for your glyphs.


Make sure you have the PR mentioned before merged, otherwise the input glyphs system won’t be able to identify which controllers are bound to which steamworks input handles.